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Door Supervisor Top Up

Door Supervisor Top Up


This comprehensive Door Supervisor Top-Up training course is designed to update existing SIA (Security Industry Authority) Door Supervisor license holders with the latest industry knowledge and regulations. Stay compliant with the SIA's ongoing requirements and enhance your skills to excel as a door supervisor.

    • Refresh your understanding of the role and responsibilities of a door supervisor Reinforce your knowledge of the duties, ethical standards, and legal considerations associated with the door supervisor role.

    • Update your knowledge of current licensing requirements and legislation Stay abreast of the latest changes in SIA licensing requirements, legislation, and guidelines for door supervisors.

    • Enhance your conflict management and communication skills Develop effective conflict management and communication strategies to handle challenging situations and maintain a safe and secure environment.

    • Strengthen your physical intervention techniques Refine your physical intervention skills to safely and effectively manage potential disturbances and maintain order.

    • Gain insights into terror threat awareness and emergency procedures Understand the principles of terror threat awareness, emergency procedures, and evacuation protocols to ensure public safety.

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